Dark Moon Transformation Teachings
Tools for Shifting Consciousness - Hidden Teachings for Women to Step Into Their Goddess Power
Dark Moon Transformation Teachings will give you access to the lost teachings of the Dark Moon for Women. These teachings will help focus your power of intention; develop your intuition; develop your inherent healing gifts; assist you in developing a deeper connection to yourself, and the energy of life through working with the different qualities of the Moon Tides and through printable resources, meditations, prayers and visualizations.
The Dark Moon has always been the doorway into the power aspect of our Psyche. Some of the teachings associated with the Dark Moon have been hidden in plain sight, but under a veil of false superstitious beliefs for many centuries, in order for us to shy away from them. Women who follow the path of the Dark Moon engage themselves to walk a path of Integrity with the Spirit of Transformation & Creation. They also engage to open themselves up to higher levels of Consciousness and align with the spirit of Universal Wisdom.
I was born under the influence of the Dark Moon and have spent my life walking the path of the Dark Moon. I have put together these teachings for Women looking for a deeper connection to the spirit of life. These teachings are practical and soul oriented, intended to guide into a real connection with the creative and transformational energy of the Dark Moon.
My intention in designing this course is to share with women practical tools and information, that will lead to a conscious integration of their inherent gifts. Working with the Transformative energy of the Dark Moon implies bringing the powerful gifts of women into the world in harmony and integrity with the universal spirit of life.
Knowing how to use Dark Moon energies builds the foundation to shape the events and experiences in our lives. It is time for Women to step into their power. Understanding and consciously working with the transformative energy of the Dark Moon awakens the ancient teachings lying dormant in all Women.
The Dark Moon Transformation Teachings call to action Women Warriors who would take up the challenge of being in integrity with, and grounding new and higher frequencies of consciousness onto the Earth.
By transforming our personal lives and bringing ourselves into alignment with our inner gifts and these higher frequencies, we bring into manifestation the paradigm shift in this lifetime. We can do this successfully through working with the Transformative Energy of the Dark Moon.
These Teachings are not for everyone.
Who Are Dark Moon Transformation Teachings For?
* Dark Moon Transformation Teachings are for Women, Women Healers & Women Warriors of all walks of life, who are spiritual and who value Spiritual Integrity.
* Strong Women ready to challenge themselves by embracing the ancient teachings of the Dark Moon
* Strong Healers willing to work with the creative energy of the Goddess of the Dark Moon - the Womb of Creation.
* Women of all ages. Women Healers & Warriors committed to personal and spiritual growth
* Brave Women willing to heal themselves of self-limiting conditionings and commit to bringing about self-awareness and self-transformation
* Courageous and determined Women willing to look into the darkness of all possibilities and channel that creative energy for the benefit of humankind and the planet
* Women willing to tap into the Psyche and be guided and inspired by this powerful Cosmic Intelligence
* Women willing to create a supportive community of women in a state of integrity with the essence of health.
Is This You?
If you can answer YES to all the above requirements, I am personally inviting you on a unique journey of Transformation, to explore all dimensions of yourself guided by the Dark Moon.
If you are a Woman who is ready to embrace your innate gifts; make a shift in consciousness and change your life for the better. I can guarantee you the reward will be greater than you may now envision.
For as the Ancient Teachings state:
Women are the portals for New Life to enter into the World.
Dark Moon Transformation Teachings will provide you with:
* The Lost Dark Moon Transformation Teachings
* The Lost Teachings of the Nature of The Four Goddesses of the Moon
* The Lost Teachings of the Esoteric nature of the Phases of the Moon
* Lost Teachings on the Nature and Elements of the Moon Tides
* Printable Moon Chart & Moon Chart Guidelines
Dark Moon Transformation Teachings is a powerful tool to access and transform spiritual, emotional and physical conditionings through the teachings of the Dark Moon. It is a nurturing container and a living self-guided workshop where you have an opportunity to change, heal and grow as you come face-to-face with and transform your unconscious patterns of limitation. It is important for Women to heal and transform these patterns within themselves first, in order be successful and efficient partners, mothers, healers and creative warriors.
$ 135.00 USD
One time payment fee for full access to the Dark Moon Transformation Teachings
The Dark Moon Transformation Teachings are for those who share a common intention to fulfilling your dreams through personal growth and self-empowerment.
Your access to the complete Dark Moon Transformation Teachings will begin immediately after payment is received. You will then be able to re-discover and integrate these teachings at your own pace.
Your Instructor
Donna Maria Camps is a Traditional Medicine and Wisdom Holder. Donna Maria is a Sun Dancer and Ceremonial Leader, and has been leading Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests and other traditional, holistic, healing ceremonies for over 17 years.
Donna Maria worked for four years within a medium security Federal Prison System in Canada, as a Spiritual Guide for the male Native American inmate population— leading ceremonies and developing programs for a holistic program known as ‘Pathways.’ She continues to support federal inmates on the ‘outside’ once released.
Donna Maria is a practicing, clinical hypnotherapist (C.Ht.), who worked extensively within a drug and dependency rehabilitation center in Canada. She now works in private practice—serving those who have exhausted the medical system and have not been able to find medical answers to their illnesses, discomfort, and/or their mental/emotional situation. Donna Maria also often works with those who are suffering from various forms of post-traumatic stress disorders, as well as those who have had unexplained experiences.
Donna Maria delivers her workshops internationally. She is also holder of the Star Teachings and her workshops are based on this ancient tradition that can be traced back to ancient temple teachings around the world.
Donna Maria is a holistic herbalist who received her traditional knowledge base from elders of both North and South America. She has been practicing holistic healing and energy adjustments for over twenty years.
"I have taken both the Emotional Intelligence Workshop and the Dark Moon Teachings course with Donna Maria. First I will say that She is a true teacher and does so in a gentle yet powerful way. Her words ring of truth and bring clarity and understanding to very esoteric and difficult to grasp teachings. The Dark Moon teachings course has helped me to sync my own emotional rhythms with the rhythms of the moon to better understand myself and get closer to self-mastery. As I watch the moon through her cycles I am also watching myself, knowing that we are deeply intertwined. I think this class would be great for those who already have rituals around the moon phases to deepen their relationship to both themselves and the moon rhythms. I also feel this class would be great for someone who is just beginning to develop an understanding of the moon and how to work with lunar powers to create the life that you desire."
Redbird Medicinals
Donna Maria Camps is who I call "The Leader of the Leaders." Through all of her work- she teaches us how to have dominion over our own lives. Donna Maria's work teaches how incredibly powerful our beliefs are- and how they can assist in our healing or hinder our healing... how they may enslave us or how they may liberate us. I highly recommend Donna Maria's workshop to any person looking to align more deeply with Life- and any healing arts practitioner looking to bring their own work to the next level.
Rachelle Garcia Seliga
Innate Traditions